Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Emotion of Fear

When writing about success principles I mentioned fear as one of the things that may stop you from achieving your goals. Let's face it, we are all afraid of something. We are afraid of all kinds of failures, we are afraid of other people's criticism or what they might think about us, we are afraid to step out of our "comfort zone", etc. But what is fear after all? Is it real? Or maybe it's just an illusion, maybe we are just making it up?

I'd like to share with you this video where author Neale Donald Walsch talks about the emotion of fear. You may have already heard about this author from the movie Conversations with God which tells the true story of Walsch, also his famous books that have changed lives of millions of people worldwide. He also appeared on the Secret. So here's the video, I hope you get something useful out of this!

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